The Institute for Integrative Nutrition is the only nutrition school in the world that integrates all the different dietary theories—combining the knowledge of traditional philosophies with modern concepts like the USDA food pyramid, the glycemic index, the Zone and raw foods.
There are big differences between a traditional dietitian or nutritionist and Holistic Health Counselors. While nutrition is an extremely large component to Holistic Health Counseling, it is not the only aspect. Integrative nutrition and holistic health embraces as philosophy and a practical approach to well-being, that food is a secondary source of nourishment, while relationships, career, spirituality, and exercise are primary nourishments that sustain us more deeply.
Founder and director of the Institute for Integrative Nutrition, Joshua Rosenthal states, “You can eat all the broccoli in the world and still be unhappy and unhealthy because other aspects of your life aren’t balanced. When you are satisfied with your career, in a loving relationship, have a spiritual practice, and exercise on a regular basis, you will be more likely to make better decisions about the foods you eat.”
One of the most important aspects of holistic health counseling that 3 Healthy Chicks embrace is the concept of bioindividuality. 3 Healthy Chicks strongly believe that no one diet works for everyone. We take a yogic view to our counseling practice, in that we believe balance is the key to health and happiness. In each of our practices, Center Your Health, Sprouting Wellness and Keola Wellness we individually assist our clients in taking small, but proactive steps to create lasting changes.
As your Holistic Health Counselor 3 Healthy Chicks will work one on one with you to:
~ Set and accomplish goals
~ Explore new foods
~ Understand and reduce cravings
~ Increase your energy
~ Feel better in your body
~ Improve personal relationships
~ Follow your bliss!
~ Learn to love the life you live~
Imagine what your life would be like if you had clear thinking, energy and excitement every day! When was the last time you talked with someone about your health, or that of your child, and received the personal attention you deserve? It’s rare for anyone to get an hour to work on their nutrition and goals with a trained professional. As Holistic Health Counselors, 3 Healthy Chicks are here to create a supportive environment while we explore what really works for you.
Email us today at 3healthychicks@gmail.com to schedule your free health consultation and to find out more about taking small steps to lasting change.
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