• Avoid skipping meals earlier in the day. Skipping breakfast may lead to overeating later in the day when you become famished and have tons of foods at your disposal.
• Get an adequate amount of sleep the night before. Lack of sleep will leave your body searching for energy, making it harder to resist fattening foods.
• Drink plenty of water. This will not only fill your belly, but help curb cravings. Limit alcohol to avoid too many extra calories. If you choose to have a few, alternate alcoholic beverages with sparkling water with lemon.
• Avoid carbonated beverages. These will bloat you, interfering with your body's ability to signal when you are full. The carbonation will also interfere with proper digestion.
• Prepare baked foods or fattening dishes using natural sweeteners or lower-calorie and lower-fat versions of ingredients.
• Eat slowly and wait at least 15 minutes before going back for a second helping. This gives the body enough time to feel satiated.
• Commit to working out the next day by signing up for a class or a run the next morning. You will be less likely to over do it if you know you have to get up early and run a 5K. The workout will also balance over consumption and burn calories!
• Enjoy your food! We spend so much time avoiding certain foods or viewing food as the enemy that we forget it can be pleasurable. We may worry that once we eat a food that brings us pleasure we won't be able to stop. The answer is controlled eating rather than out-of-control eating. Slow down and be aware of the taste, texture, temperature, and smell, and savor every bite!
Keep it Fresh!