One look to the grocery store shelves will tell the story of a society in search of the newest food that will take the weight off, increase energy, and maximize health. It seems that every year we are bombarded with a new health craze that guarantees us speedy results along an easy path. But, as many of us have come to realize the hard way, it remains the greatest truth of all that eating a balanced, healthy diet is the only way to achieve authentic health. It seems fitting therefore, that now, more than ever, we are discovering the health benefits of natural and organic food.
Doctors have long advised that diet - more than anything - plays the largest role in our health and longevity. In accordance, there has been a gradual shift from food products high in saturated fat, preservatives, and sugar to whole foods such as fresh fruits and vegetables, complex carbohydrates, and lean protein. But taking this a step forward is the shift to natural and organic food - that food that is grown and raised without the addition of chemicals, hormones, and pesticides. Many think that because they are eating fresh fruit and vegetables they are making the healthiest choice. But if these fruits and vegetables have been chemically altered then you are now exposing yourself to a bevy of alien substances. While these chemicals are used quite regularly in traditional farming practices, they have not been studied thoroughly enough to know of their long lasting impact on the human body. Therefore, a switch to natural and organic food seems to be the wisest choice for our health.
Also falling under the definition of natural and organic food is organic meat and dairy. Livestock that is raised within organic guidelines are given only organic feed and are not subjected to any chemicals or hormones. Further, dairy cows that are traditionally given hormones to speed growth and increase milk production are chemical-free under natural and organic food guidelines.
The commitment to eating only natural and organic food minimizes your body's exposure to chemicals and shows an even greater commitment to the environment as we show our support to farmers who don't contaminate the earth with chemical cocktails.
Naturally Perfect Health - The Secret to a Life of Vibrance
Posted by akus
Would You like to enjoy naturally perfect health? So would I, and I do, thanks to this secret I learned a few years back. I am now quite grateful to be able to share this amazing news with you. As it turns out, the secret to a life of vibrance is in fact the way that we think. It sounds incredibly simple and it is. I write about it now because despite it's simplicity, many people simply do not apply this knowledge. It is a scientific fact that our bodies are constantly being created and recreated.
Our cells are constantly reproducing as older ones dies off. What this means is that we have the ability to create our body to order through our thoughts. Here is an example of what I am getting at. If we observe two people who have both been diagnosed with an identical health condition, we can really see the truth of this. Let's say that one person chooses to focus on the negative condition. They talk about how awful it is to their friends and family. They feel awful about it and feel awful about themselves.
This person will actually intensify their negative health condition. The cells in their body will respond to their thoughts and give them more of what they are complaining and feeling bad about. On the other hand, let's observe another person with the same "condition" who chooses to focus on possibility and health. This person is thankful for their body's inherent ability to heal.
This person chooses to speak with friends and family about positive things and proceeds with faith and gratitude that their "condition" will be healed. The cells in this person's body will respond to their thoughts and heal. Despite the fact that two different people are diagnosed with the same condition, one gets worse while the other heals. And the only difference is the way the two people choose to focus their thoughts. This is how you can enjoy naturally perfect health. It's really that easy.
Alkaline Diet Simplified For Natural Bone Health
Posted by akus
There have been many problems in rel
ation to our bones. Many people are suffering from arthritis, osteoporosis and other related illnesses. Did we realize what the root cause of these illnesses is? Alkaline diet simplified is a better way to maintain a natural bone health.
It is not easy to have bone problems. In fact, if you are one among those who suffer from bone sickness, you tend to live a sedentary life. It is because you are not able to move freely. The aches and pains that you feel on your joints are really alarming.
Do you really get a chance to think of the causes of these illnesses? Now, you will be enlightened! The major cause of this sickness is our body's unbalanced Ph level.
A well balanced pH level must be maintained in order to achieve good health. Our bones are also affected if our blood pH is not kept at its optimum level. The ideal blood pH level is around 7.35.
It is important that you maintain an ideal pH level. If not, your cells will not function well causing the whole body to malfunction. The cells are the smallest units of our body. When they are compromised, the organs, tissues and bones will also be endangered. In effect, you will have an unhealthy lifestyle.
Bones need minerals to stay healthy. Calcium is one of the minerals that they need. Too much acid food intake is not good for our bones. This is because acid forming foods neutralize the minerals from alkaline foods. So, it is essential that we take more of alkaline forming foods.
When there is not enough or not much amount of alkaline residue in our body, acid residues weaken the bones by neutralizing the nutrients. This is the cause of different bone diseases such as osteoporosis.
Alkaline diet simplified is really a big help to achieve healthy bones. It is a natural and effective way. You should always remember that 75-80% of the food intake must come from alkaline foods and 20-25% must be from acid foods.
Alkaline foods include most of vegetables and fruits. Fruit like lemon is really an alkalizing food. Lemon has citric acid which is capable of destroying uric acid in arthritic patient. Lemon is an alkaline forming food because it produces alkaline ash.

Tips For Daily Skin Care and Health
Posted by akus
Most of us have to work hard to enjoy healthy skin. This means keeping a daily routine for good skin care and health so our skin is able to renew itself and replenish old, dead skin cells with new, healthy cells. Skin is exposed to harsh chemicals every day along with harmful sun rays, cosmetics, and possibly other a
gents in the air depending on the environment in which we live and work. A daily skin care routine can help your skin look healthy day in and day out.
Before getting started, analyze your current routine (if you have one) for skin care and health. Is it working? Does your skin have frequent rashes or acne breakouts? Does your skin seem excessively dry, scaly, or oily? What types of skin care products do you use and how do they affect your skin's texture? Once you know how your current routine is working, you can make the necessary changes for healthier skin.
Beware of Some Skin Care Products
Use skin care products with care. Observe how the products affect your skin's texture and your complexion. Does the product cause drying, itching, or redness? Does the product cause your skin to become very oily? Some skin care products can cause allergic reactions because of the ingredients or chemicals they contain. Some may contain cancer-causing chemicals or reproductive toxins. Read labels carefully to be sure you know what ingredients are included.
Opt for Natural Skin Care
Natural skin care and health products are often the best solutions because they usually do not contain harmful chemicals. A good ingredient to look for is aloe vera. Aloe vera is probably one of the most effective natural skin enhancers available. It comes from the aloe vera plant leaf, which has a healing gel inside. Aloe gel is usually mixed with other ingredients to enhance its skin care and health properties. For example, the Hawaiian product called AhVahleen combines several natural ingredients with aloe, which produces a solution for burns, cuts, sunburn, psoriasis, and natural skin cell enhancement - all in one.
Starting a Skin Care Routine
A daily skin care routine should contain three main elements: cleansing, toning, and moisturizing. It should be done at night before bedtime so your skin can have time to replenish old, dead cells with new ones as you sleep. Cleansing removes dirt, makeup, and excess oil from the surface of the skin as well as the skin's pores. Toning helps improve the skin's texture after cleansing, particularly for oily skin. Moisturizing helps replenish water or moisture in the skin.
For a weekly routine, exfoliation can help remove dead skin cells. Facial scrubs or cloths can be used for exfoliation. These should be used gently on the skin. You can also use a facial mask occasionally to help improve your skin.
Some all-natural products that contain aloe vera can be used to perform many tasks in one, such as cleansing, moisturizing, revitalizing, and nourishing the skin. They can also be used to protect the skin throughout the day from excessive sun exposure or other harmful elements. Even if using other skin care and health products, aloe-based natural products can greatly enhance these to give you maximum skin health because they contain nutrients the skin cells require.

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