With discipline and a little bit of tender love and care, you can turn your puppy to well trained house pet. You have to ensure that someone is left at home with your pet at all times during this time. Remember that puppies have their own habit, so it's important to keep and follow a to-do list. To make things easier, try to include everyone in training your pet.
Unfortunately, puppies aren't that good at controlling their bodily needs unlike adult dogs. Even if you succeed in housebreaking your puppy, you can still expect your four month old dog to have a few accidents here and there. If you don't honor your puppy's call of nature, then that is just poor in home dog training in your part.
Upon bringing your puppy home, he must have his cage along with him to properly supervise the course of the entire training process. Puppies will never urinate in their crate this is because they see the crate as their own nesting place. Make sure that their crates are just about the right size for them to consider it their home. Your role as a dog obedience trainer in Southfield is to help your puppy see the whole house as his own home too.
For obedient paws, these tips are a big help.
1. Food should never be left out for the puppy, rather he or she be fed during morning and evening. During a few minutes into eating, dogs will need to relieve themselves. Then, motivate your puppy to urinate outside and give him praise for he has done. Following his urination; place him in his crate with some of his favorite toys.
2. Take him out of the house to do his business hourly and after every meal he has - this is usually done during the first and second day. From the third day onward, increase the duration by 30 minutes each day until you reach the 7th day. Remember to acknowledge him as he goes outside. Every time he has to do his business, let him stay outside for 10 minutes or more. Don't let him back inside the house if he hasn't been out for 10 minutes yet. Place him back in his crate if he doesn't relieve himself during the "potty break" and wait until the next break to take him out.
3. Say "NO!" every time you catch your dog urinating and defecating inside and take him out of the house. Keep your dog close to you while he is still under inhome training. Not only does this let you keep watch of your dog, it can also let you bond with him or her better.
Only tell off your dog when you catch him urinating or defecating and not when the "accident" has already been done. Use a pet deodorizer in cleaning your dog's mess to remove the stench of his waste which could motivate him to pee again inside your house.
5. If you have a puppy aged 16 weeks old or younger, take him out when he wakes up at night. It's hard for a puppy to not relieve himself all throughout the night.
More: Paul Szumny is a writer and expert. He enjoys exercising his creativity, writing articles, and having a nice cup of coffee. Get more details about this article's subject: http://www.obedientpaws.com/ You can find more of his writing on the author's website.