Natural Cat Health is the Best Way to Ensure a Long and Disease Free Life

Natural cat health is one of the best, if not the only, ways to ensure your cat has as long and disease free life as is possible. Cats have evolved over millions of years. Their diet has met all their nutritional needs. It's man, with all our, often ego or profit motivated ideas, that have put a spanner in the works.

Let's look at what a natural cat means in terms of health.

Most commercial cat food is as diametrically opposed to natural cat food as it is possible to get. Despite the claims made on the label, the nutrition doesn't come anywhere close to what your cat needs to live a healthy life. Most of the nutrients added are isolated and synthetic. This means it was made in a laboratory. Your cat evolved to get all her nutrients, in a natural and balanced form, from food. Not from indigestible synthetics that can cause harm and are out of natural balance.

Constant medical drugs and vaccines suppress her immune system making it much harder to prevent disease or to recover from those that she can't prevent. Vaccines contain mercury, aluminium, formaldehyde and other substances you probably desperately try to avoid at all cost, to remain as toxin free as possible. Injecting these toxic substances directly into your cat's blood stream also by passes all the natural ways your cat (and you) have of building up natural immunity.

Many people keep their cats indoors permanently. Although this is inevitable in certain areas, it is not natural for a cat. A cat needs a lot of direct sunshine (not through glass or plastic) to be healthy.

A cat also needs freedom. It can be difficult to provide an urban cat with the freedom they most desire, but some freedom will help to keep them healthy. An enclosed back yard, a walk in a safe park (although most cats would hate this and be badly frightened, there are some breeds that take to this well) any area that suits your cat and that you can provide safely should be considered.

Cats need access to good, chemical free grass. Cats eat grass as a natural medicine. It helps them clear any digestive disorder by promoting vomiting. Preventing cats access to grass can make a big difference to their quality of health.

By feeding your cat a natural diet, allowing her access to the sun and grass, giving her as much freedom as possible and by using a natural health care modality such as homeopathy, you can ensure she will be will be as healthy as possible. This is not only best for your cat, it will also be healthiest for your wallet. Natural health care provides the best long term solutions, making it the most cost effective.