What is a Healthy Diet For Natural Good Health?

What is a healthy diet for natural good health? To know that, you need to know how you evolved. Firstly, humans are omnivores. Which means you can eat anything to survive, both plant based food and animal based food. Now take yourself back to your caveman ancestors. This was the longest period of your past, so has the greatest impact on your system and how it works. Caveman is considered to be a hunter gatherer. I personally think he was more a gatherer hunter. Why? Because hunting is dangerous, particularly when done on foot, armed only with a spear. So hunting trips are unlikely to have been daily. Gathering plant based food would more likely have been a daily task, as seasons produce a variety of food and this is a comparatively safe occupation. This idea is backed up by looking to your closest relative, the great apes. Chimpanzees do occasionally hunt - perhaps once a week to once a month depending on the area and the availability. But their basic staple diet is plant based food. It is also backed up by looking at your teeth and the length of your intestines. Your teeth are far more similar to a herbivores teeth than those of a carnivore. Your intestines are longer than a carnivores, so allowing the longer digestion of plant fibre. To me, this suggests that the daily intake of animal protein is unhealthy. A weekly meal would be more in keeping with our past. Dairy is a baby food. And one for the specific species. The consumption of dairy products from another species by adults flies in the face of your evolutionary history. There are many groups of people in the world who do not consume dairy. And arthritis and rheumatism is rare in these people. The Chinese traditional food does not include dairy products. Add to this that there are no cookers in nature. Cooking destroys enzymes and protein, damages animal fat and de-natures food. The logical conclusion for a healthy diet for natural good health seems to point towards a diet high in plant based food, which is mainly or totally raw. This is backed up by the recent experiment of converting the diet of six long established type two diabetics to a planted based raw diet. After one month, they were all off their insulin. Some had been on the insulin for twenty years. Do you want to learn more about natural good health, in particular homeopathy? Download my free report 'An Introduction to Some Common Homeopathic Remedies' by clicking on the website link below.